Advantage Irrigation GR

Sprinklers Start Up

Properly activating your irrigation system in the spring keeps it running better all year-long.

Taking the right steps to start-up a sprinkler system puts less impact on its components. Also prevents leaks and reduces the chance of breaking parts. A properly activated system will cut down on return visits and additional repairs throughout the season.

We perform a comprehensive evaluation of your whole system when we start it up. Easily identify little problems before they become big ones! Our team estimates any repairs, if needed, and will let you know the cost prior to repairing or changing the system.

Advantage Irrigation takes great care to ensure your system is in top running order when we start it up in the spring.

We implement a step-by-step process to ensure the system is activated properly.

When we start-up your sprinklers, we perform a comprehensive evaluation of the entire system. We look for leaks, and make sure every component is working properly. Check sprinkler head positions and that you’re getting optimum water coverage for the current conditions. We typically can identify potential problems and fix them before the little ones turn into big ones.

Activations Include

  • Turn the water on in a certain sequence to prevent leaks on the backflow preventer and entire system
  • Checking backflow devices for leaks and functionality
  • Reinstall fertilizer and/ or rust-blocker systems. Add solution if requested by homeowner
  • Program the System Controller with a conservative basic program
  • Test the rain sensor or other sensors attached to the irrigation system
  • Test each zone and review each sprinkler head function and coverage

Email us for complete sprinkler system start-up >

Keep Practicing Water Conservation

While outdoor irrigation systems are more efficient and save you money on your water bill. You still need to check the system to make sure it’s conserving water. For example, when you test each zone, make a note to replace or repair any wonky spray heads that you find. Do a monthly inspection to make sure heads are popping up, spray patterns are consistent, and that each nozzle is free from debris.

Call or email us for any repair needed throughout the summer months. Contact Form

When you’re testing each zone, look for low water pressure. If a leaky line doesn’t cause low water pressure, make a note to readjust your zone run time to accommodate for low water pressure. Also, check that your sprinklers aren’t watering the sidewalk, driveway, or any hardscapes. Direct all water to your lawn, grass or landscaped areas.

irrigation system and Lawn sprinkler installation Grand Rapids and West Michigan

Don’t forget to set your timer according to the current weather conditions. Make sure to control when your sprinkler system goes off each week. Invest in a rain/freeze sensor so your lawn and garden sprinklers shut off when the soil has enough water or it starts to rain. Put a reminder on your calendar to change the settings at the start of summer to make sure your lawn and landscape get adequate moisture during the hottest time of the year.

Then, in late August or early September, change the settings again, because temperatures will start to drop and the days will be shorter. Generally, dry, hot weather ends in the fall as well, so you won’t need to use your lawn sprinkler system as much as you do during the summer.

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